Experiencing Violence

NSW police force

The NSW Police Department and the NSW Police Force were merged in June 1987. Police Regulations 2008 and the Police Act of 1990 govern our operations.

The NSW Police Force (NSWPF), which is located in NSW, is a dynamic and complex organization with 22,288 officers (police officers and civilians).

The Challenge

Our focus and our future describe our vision, mission, and key results areas, as well as the approach we will take to make NSW safer. The NSWPF’s vision is “A safer New South Wales.” The purpose of the NSWPF is to work with the community in order to reduce violence, criminality, and fear.

NSWPF used an enterprise LMS – branded “iLEARN” – as the corporate tool for managing all Training, Education, and development (TED) activities. The organization’s needs and environment have changed, and the enterprise LMS was no longer suitable, particularly with the need to learn anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

The existing LMS solution did not meet the strategic goals of NSWPF and was not fit for purpose. In addition, the LMS architecture was not designed to provide the functionality needed to fulfill the People & Capability Command’s (PCC) mandate to make training available on any device and at any time.

The People & Capability Command would benefit from a modern LMS that allows them to deliver engaging and flexible training, with interactive education and developmental initiatives available at any time. These objectives support the NSWPF corporate strategies to develop capability and resilient through:

Staff training and development in new police methodologies

Encourage personal development by providing multiple opportunities for education and training (e.g., Microlearning courses, distance learning, etc.

Maximizing performance by improving individual capability to respond to complex, evolving police issues

The Solution

NSWPF collaborated with Androgogic in order to achieve strategic objectives.

Virtual classrooms, online classes, and virtual reality initiatives will help to deliver meaningful education in more areas of NSWPF, including the regional areas.

By streamlining the delivery of training, you can minimize the absences in local areas and on the streets.

Blended Learning: Supporting Organisational Adoption.

Create virtual learning environments to engage learners with a personalized approach.

Immersive learning, including virtual reality and gamification, can enhance learning.

In addition to the scale of change in an organization, it was also necessary to have continuous and uninterrupted programs for training. In response to this need, the implementation strategy included a cycle of iterative releases to help transition from the old processes and systems to the new solution.

The solution includes a key component that enables secure, robust, and easy-to-use learning and online testing for the new NSWPF LMS Promotions System. The key objectives were to support the launch of the new Promotions system at NSWPF, which would allow learners to participate in the system more frequently, sit exams locally for equity, and have a wider range of question styles to demonstrate capability. The solution included:

Multiple test centers can be established across NSW, reducing travel time and shifts for officers.

Restriction of access to test instruments to those who are enrolled and only to those at the scheduled times.

Test question types, scoring logic, and other options can be enabled.

Rapid automated online marking reduces the waiting time for results to 10 days.

Audit logs are a permanent record of all interactions.


The core project objectives spanning all planned release iterations were met.

Learn about the latest learning technologies and how they can be used to improve and simplify your end-user experience.

Learners can benefit from a solution that is intuitive and accessible, with processes such as self-management, collaborative spaces, peer-to-peer communication, guided workflows, and manager oversight.

Administrative users can focus on higher-value activities by reducing the workload and manual tasks they have to perform when managing education and training.

Integration of two-way systems to reference key employee data dynamically in real-time and to facilitate the business rules that are associated with daily activities and processes.

Manages efficiently annual mandatory compliance training across NSWPF for both sworn and unsworn personnel

Manages efficiently ad hoc training modules for both sworn and unsworn officers throughout the entire year

Manages the entire process of increment progression and promotion in accordance with Police Award rules, including reminders and automated incremental advancement.

Allows NSWPF to provide learners with a solution that is intuitive and accessible for learning paths and plans. It also includes self-management tools, collaborative learning environments, peer-to-peer communication, and guided workflows.

Automates the input of learning plans and enrollment in courses based on HR master data

Supported by a sophisticated, agile reporting feature that allows for role-based definitions of custom reports

Delivers all courses via the Internet on NSWPF devices in a highly secure environment that requires authentication of the user based on the NSWPF ID Management System. Also takes into account highly restricted courses to ensure the integrity of data.

The project has led to substantial and measurable improvements, including:

Courseware that combines augmented reality with the real world

Mobile devices can be used to deliver eLearning, which allows for learning anywhere and anytime.

Supporting the creation of a progressive culture of learning in order to facilitate shared learning and knowledge production, encouraging continuous development, and boosting employee productivity with training on demand.

Learning analytics in the metadata of the LMS allows return on investment to be calculated using multiple evaluation methods. The system provides flexible assessment options and increased accountability through virtual and augmented reality, ensuring immediate translation of knowledge to practice.

The LMS provides 24/7 access to the training materials, allowing staff to learn whenever they choose and to revisit courses to reinforce their learning.

The NSWPF can save time by using the LMS for segmented training.


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